With average student loan debt at an all-time high and families stretching their means farther than ever before to afford college bills, financial advisers are playing a bigger role in helping families make decisions about college planning costs. Whether you are a parent or grandparent looking to save and build money for a child or grandchild’s education, Ulin & Co. can help you to sort through your options and help you to get your plan in action.
When we meet, we can help you to better understand your options, along with important factors to consider including: contribution limits, tax treatment, investment flexibility, effect on financial aid, contribution deadlines as well as understanding who controls the account. For more information, a great website to visit is savingforcollege.com.
Call us at (561) 210-7887 or Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation to learn more about our firm capabilities and how we can help you with your child (or grandchild’s) college planning strategies.