Wealth & Wellness Events

U&CO Events

Ulin & Co. Wealth Management client workshops include dynamic speakers as well as take-home materials. We strive to keep you up-to-date on key personal finance, investing, tax, estate, wellness and retirement issues. There is no obligation to attend an event.

All events are Private Client Events by invitation only. — If you are not a client and would like to learn more about working with our firm-  call Jon Ulin at (561) 210-7887. 

Calendar of Events 

October: Oktoberfest

December: Year End Event -tbd

Note: On Market Insights Workshops and Webinars: Get the “straight talk” on the on the markets and economy along with investment risks to avoid and opportunities to consider when managing your nest-egg for the long run before and through your retirement years.

Note: Speakers and sponsors are not affiliated with New Edge Advisors or Ulin & Co. Wealth Management 

Markets & Martinis™ and Bulls, Bears & Brews™ have been in use with Ulin since 10.2019

Jon W. Ulin, CFP®, CEO, Managing Principal

Please complete the form below to register for an upcoming event, and we will be in touch to confirm your RSVP and to provide details. 

Ready to take the next step? Contact us to get started today!