U&CO Events
Ulin & Co. Wealth Management client workshops include dynamic speakers as well as take-home materials. We strive to keep you up-to-date on key personal finance, investing, tax, estate, wellness and retirement issues. There is no obligation to attend an event.
All events are Private Client Events by invitation only. — If you are not a client and would like to learn more about working with our firm- call Jon Ulin at (561) 210-7887.
Calendar of Events
October: Oktoberfest
December: Year End Event -tbd
Note: On Market Insights Workshops and Webinars: Get the “straight talk” on the on the markets and economy along with investment risks to avoid and opportunities to consider when managing your nest-egg for the long run before and through your retirement years.
Note: Speakers and sponsors are not affiliated with New Edge Advisors or Ulin & Co. Wealth Management
Markets & Martinis™ and Bulls, Bears & Brews™ have been in use with Ulin since 10.2019
Jon W. Ulin, CFP®, CEO, Managing Principal